Regardless of the account from the Biblical Book of Genesis, people could not have been produced by an omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent supernatural deity.
There are a number of traits that appear to indicate human uniqueness, Though we manage these traits are not a step-function but a continuum, albeit a line-up that still puts humans well facing most if not all other creatures. This well in front piece remains anomalous.
Facial Features
We come in strains. The proof of the pudding stares you in the face every day as you see the racial number of people around you. Do not remember anything in the Biblical Book of Genesis that clarifies this, so perhaps God had nothing to do with this assuming the presence of a bona-fide supernatural creator God of class in the first place although stand to be corrected on the absence of a Biblical explanation by proper authorities.
Since all humans are one species since we can all breed with one another, and because we presumably originated from small beginnings, all humankind should have been at the start similar to a not-quite-so-big melting pot.
We had been a uniform cup of coffee – one species; one race. Then we began spreading out throughout the world minus for some unexplained reason diverged into different cultural or cultural races or groups.
Fact: We are a facially varied species. Humans tend to recognize Humans, especially humans they have not actually met, via their facial features. In authority’s line-ups and in court identifications it will be the face that provides the game away. You would be hard pressed to differentiate between cockroaches or alligators or brown bears or penguins according to your own face.
But if you work very closely on a daily basis with state chimpanzees or just about any other vertebrate species, their little facial details come to the fore and you can tell them apart. The main point in any event is that creatures can tell those of their particular species apart and that is what counts.
All the numerous successes build from there. Some small and momentary such as the shared smile of a friend, to the terrific successes, like obtaining skill at something they like. This is where it begins, rather than ends.
However unique facial features a comparatively on decoding human design chart anomaly. Apart from Identical twins, no two people in the neck up seem exactly the same, and this is the way we inform human identities, once noticed, apart. We have a tendency to tell animals of the same species or strain apart by size, colour, skin or fur patterns, abnormalities, or we do not distinguish who is who at all.